
Simple Homemade Solutions to Repair Minor Scratches on Glass Balustrading

Glass balustrading is the right safety fencing solution for your balcony, stairwells, patio, or pool. They look really cool while allowing you to view through the sparkling, transparent panels. However, in order to keep the balustrades looking brand new, you need to maintain them regularly. In addition to cleaning them up, you have to watch out for scratches on the glass's surface. Not only do scratches look like a sore thumb, but in the long run, they can weaken the S107 helicopter structure of the balustrade. Fortunately, light to moderate scratches can be remedied without having to replace the panels with costly brand-new ones. Here are some easy steps on how to take out scratches.1. Check first if the damage is a light or moderate scratch. Gently run a fingernail over the glass surface. If your nail does not stop at the flying shark balloon groove of the scratch, then the blemish is probably a light scratch. If your Air Swimmers nail's edge falls into the groove, the panel has incured a moderate scratch.2. For light scratches, place a considerable amount of toothpaste along the length of the damage. The formulation has an abrasive compound that grinds the rough edges of the scratch. Use a lint-free cloth to rub the toothpaste on the scratch with moderate pressure. Do not stop rubbing until the scratch disappears. Polish the damaged area with a dry, clean, lint-free cloth.3. If the scratch still remains, apply a thin coat of furniture S107 helicopter polish and buff the scratch through. Lastly, apply a thin layer of transparent liquid floor wax to add sparkle. 4. For moderate scratches, apply first the toothpaste as stated above. While waiting for the toothpaste to dry up, mix equal parts of mustard and vinegar into a smooth paste. Apply the paste just like the toothpaste method then polish the glass with a clean lint-free cloth.5. If the damage is still visible, treat it with a professional scratch-cleaning kit. Automotive glass repair kits usually have the solutions that can repair the blemish, but the kits are quite expensive. Additionally, you should know how to use them for safety and maximum effectiveness.Get in touch with glass fencing warehouse today and select glass balustrading sets for your home or office.

